Tracking daily interest in ledger-cli

Hi, I am new here :smiling_face: and happy to join the discussion!

I am transitioning to ledger and am wondering how does one keep track of "check-in accounts" like the one on trade republic, in which interest is paid daily? In some banks this type of interest is "transparently" handled, in the sense that no specific transaction appears in the history, one just sees accesses the current available balance.

If there was a way to "enforce" a certain balance at a given point in time, I could pick up specific dates (e.g., once a month) and add these "assert-type" transactions to the ledger file, so at least I know that the balance is not arbitrarily off.

Any tips are greatly appreciated!

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Welcome! Search the manual for "balance assignments".

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Thanks! This seems perfect! Is the order of the postings in the ledger file relevant for these asserts? Or are the transactions processed in order of their timestamps? (A first scan around the section did not show anything of the sort, but I wonder whether the postings are processed in the file order or chronologically.)

Ledger processes them in file order (parse order); hledger processes them in date order, then parse order on the same date.

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Thank you, this is very helpful! I'm eager to try this out on my ledger :open_book: :writing_hand: