This Week In Hledger 2024-05-03
fix: show trailing decimal mark on cost amounts too, when needed
imp: Revert problematic process- bound, it seems not strictly needed #2149
Released hledger 1.33.1
dev script updates
fix: journal: parse include directives with trailing whitespace
imp: support ghc-debug for analysing memory/profile info
imp: cli: commands list reorg, cleanups
imp: check: check ordereddates before balance assertions, when both are enabled
imp: web: provide a basic openapi specification of the current HTTP-JSON API
doc updates: github release windows install instructions, check command, Contributor Quick Start, Developer FAQ, misc site tweaks
examples: custom paypal csv rules
- kairos | Kairos – frictionless time tracking your team and beautiful invoices invoice generator, timedot compatible
You can see recent discussions via the links at
It's been a while since I've been in this room, but I've been using hledger all the while. It continues to be incredible. --daveakre