The important vs. what draws our attention

In my hledgerfan blog post this week, I look at what is important vs. what captures our attention and how that applies to hledger. Frankly, the topic applies to any plaintext accounting or even life in general, but you get the idea.


what parts of our financial lives do we need to focus on, because they are important, not just because something is catching our attention at the moment?

Nice one @hledgerfan. I’ll contemplate this. Maybe we can collect some of those here. Right now for me these come to mind:

  • future/retirement planning, savings, investment
  • how to invest (bank, save, spend, earn…) ethically in 2024
  • security and durability of credentials and identity
  • documentation/handover/family access in times of incapacity or death
  • wasteful expenses
  • unnecessary complexity
  • getting more clarity
  • setting and tracking goals

Good list @simonmic !

And I would be glad to hear additional ideas from others about what they see as important, but perhaps not something that we tend to focus on.