Lazy Beancount: a guide and repository to bootstrap Beancount experience

Opinionated guide on how to start (and continue) tracking personal finances using the open-source Beancount accounting system.

It comes together with some code. Lazy Beancount is Beancount packaged in Docker with batteries included:

The primary goal of this guide is to provide you a way to start managing your own finances using plain-text accounting gradually and incrementally. Also with various useful tools already included and set up.

The key new feature is to allow to only enter totals for your accounts periodically via UI, and corresponding Beancount data will be generated for you. That takes very little time and you can import of fill in other data when you have time or whenever you want to do more detailed research on your finances.


Hi @simonmic, thanks for the repost!

Just a little update to mention that the project is still active and has seen some improvements during few months after first announcement.
The documentation was updated quite a bit:, as well as just generally more stuff included and refined.

I don't guarantee that everything's going to be updated at the same speed as the upstream libraries it depends on but I'm planning to maintain and sometimes improve at least set of tools I use myself on a regular basis.

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