Keeping a good PTA habit

In this week's blog, I look at one way to make sure that my good habit of tracking my finances in PTA doesn't get sidetracked. Read more at

What works for you to make sure you keep going with PTA?

What more or less works for me are two strong motivators:

  1. I see expense tracking as a responsibility; my partner and I have an unsteady job, and we need to keep very much on top of our finances to preserve our family's finances' health. It's not really a choice, it's more like doing maingenance on the breaks of your bycicle/car.
  2. Given that tracking is not a choice, the 2nd motivator is: taking longer to reconcile only makes things harder (not only to remember, but to find a sufficiently large time slot to do it -- we have no automation, every transaction is manually input).