I've got some definitions similar to the following that I'm trying to both reporting of and also to be able to search said items. This is my example care of some help the other day from Simon (with some tailoring to my example environment):
account Income:Main Org:Donations:John Doe
; cust-id: John Doe
; address: 132 first street
; city: Lincoln
; state: NE
; Zip: 92010
; email: bar@foo.com
; phone: 123-456-7890
alias john-doe = Income:Main Org:Donations:John Doe
I'm hoping to be able to get this to work with ledger and while Simon was able to do what I wanted in hledger I can't get it to work in ledger-cli (which I'm stuck with for the moment). The command in hledger that doesn't work in ledger is :
When I do the closest as I can in ledger I get the following output:
% ledger -f ./books.ledger bal Income --yearly --invert --pivot state:city:cust-id
$100,020.00 Income:Main Org:Donations
$10.00 John Doe
$10.00 Ken Smith
I do not see a --tree available for ledger .. I really just want a way to dump a report of all these customer names & their associate info if desired AND a way to query an address from the bunch (e.g. look for customers living in Seattle)..
I hope this makes sense.. I went looking at all the command line args for ledger and either I'm missing something and it's right under my nose or ??
See Ledger's account documentation. There's no "associate info" the way you've described it in your books.ledger; at least none you can pivot on. Transactions, have tags we can pivot on; not Accounts.
My workaround for this creates a journal like so
account Income:Main Org:Donations:John Doe
account Income:Main Org:Donations:Jack Black
account Income:Main Org:Donations:James Fame
account Income:Main Org:Donations:Chris Risk
= /Chris Risk$/
; cust-id: Chris Risk
; address: 132 first street
; city: Baltimore
; state: MD
; Zip: 92040
; email: bin@foo.com
; phone: 123-456-7893
= /John Doe$/
; cust-id: John Doe
; address: 132 first street
; city: Lincoln
; state: NE
; Zip: 92010
; email: bar@foo.com
; phone: 123-456-7890
= /Jack Black$/
; cust-id: Jack Black
; address: 132 first street
; city: Lincoln
; state: NE
; Zip: 92020
; email: baz@foo.com
; phone: 123-456-7891
= /James Fame$/
; cust-id: James Fame
; address: 132 first street
; city: Hollywood
; state: LA
; Zip: 92030
; email: qux@foo.com
; phone: 123-456-7892
2024-09-23 donation
Income:Main Org:Donations:Chris Risk
assets:checking $10
2024-09-23 donation
Income:Main Org:Donations:John Doe
assets:checking $20
2024-09-23 donation
Income:Main Org:Donations:James Fame
assets:checking $30
2024-09-23 donation
Income:Main Org:Donations:Jack Black
assets:checking $40
The differences are
no need for the aliases. Just like @simonmic said… it's just another set of names to remember. You could keep them for convenience if you wish.
I used automated transactions to add the account information. Yours could be more targeted. This way, every transaction has the account details we want. Verify this with ledger print
Now we can answer…
…with our original pivot idea…
$ ledger bal --pivot state --invert
$-100 assets:checking
$100 state
$30 LA:Income:Main Org:Donations:James Fame
$10 MD:Income:Main Org:Donations:Chris Risk
$60 NE:Income:Main Org:Donations
$40 Jack Black
$20 John Doe
Hope this helps, at least put you on the right path to solving this.