I am looking for a way to get dollar amounts to align to the right in VS Code. The hledger extension doesn't do this, and I haven't found one that does.
hledger-vscode extension doesn't do it
ledger extension doesn't do it
Beancount extension says it can align decimal marks, when you type them, but it didn't for me
Beancount Formatter extension will do it if you set the file's type to beancount and press Shift-Alt-F (or something else on linux). But only if you use beancount-style commodity symbols: capital letters on the right side.
I use Meta-Q in ledger-mode in Emacs to do it (running in a VSCode terminal pane, perhaps).
Ledger's print seems to align amounts globally, at least to some extent. So for ledger-compatible journals, filtering the transaction or journal through ledger print (manually) might be another way.
Sorry, I've just seen this. You can control vertical rulers by adding "editor.rulers": [4, 23, 28, 41, 46], to the settings.json file. So you can see I (temporarily) have 5 rulers to help with aligning my text. A couple of those will be deleted once I'm done.
The Lencerf Beancount extension for VS Code has a very nice alignment feature—it's exactly what I was looking for! I activate it in Fava's editor interface (Edit > Align amounts).