Issue I have had some time. Dont know if this is a bug or it is something I do that causes this. Not sure how to find out either.
Fairly often when I run hledger import --dry
I notice that hledger wants to import transactions already in the journal. When I then check the .latest file for that rule it is empty and I add the latest import date manually. It is a bit of a nuisiance. Anyone have any idea of why this is happening?
I don't but I think I've noticed the same thing on a few occasions over the years.
I don't know what version you have; if you search Release notes - hledger for "latest" you'll find some with fixes for .latest files, some of which look important (eg 1.32 and 1.32.1).
Running version 1.40 at the moment, so those should be fixed in my version. Have had the same problem in previous versions as well. Would like to help somehow finding the problem if it is a bug, but do not really know how.
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Keep an eye on it, as I'm doing - if you see it again I'd be glad to hear about it!
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