I think it is not possible. hledger
provides commands to close/open accounts. But, it does not provide a comand to autogerenate assertions
For example, lets suppose I concilied accounts and I want to ensure the accounts won't change in the future due to a mistake. There could be one command to generate the transaction that could assert the current state of accounts. Something like hledger assert assets: liabilities:
which could print:
2025-01-01 assertion
assets:cash 0.00 EUR = 100.00 EUR
assets:bank 0.00 EUR = 1232.34 EUR
liabilities:mortage 0.00 EUR = -123000.00 EUR
This could be used to a form of closing books or avoid mistakes in the future. Just to ensure the previous transactions are not modified.
I think I could script this in bash or python.
Do you think is useful?
(this idea is related to discussion at Must we close accounts? …and why? - #7 by zako)