ANN: hledger 1.42

I'm pleased to announce hledger 1.42 !
This release brings

  • run and repl commands
  • non-UTF8 CSV support
  • same-line if matchers
  • more pivot targets

..and more. Thank you to contributors Dmitry Astapov, gesh, Thomas
Miedema, Joschua Kesper, and Lars Kellogg-Stedman.

Best wishes,

hledger is free, robust, friendly, multicurrency, double-entry,
plain text accounting software for unix, mac, windows, and the web.

Written in Haskell for reliability, it is built around human-readable,
version-controllable plain text files. It is inspired by and largely
compatible with Ledger CLI, and convertible to and from Beancount.

For more info or help, see and the support page.
Newcomers, experts, contributors, sponsors, feedback are welcome!