A report to explain a Net Worth Change in Ledger and hledger (reddit)

Excerpts from https://www.reddit.com/r/plaintextaccounting/comments/1h6ksok/a_report_to_explain_a_net_worth_change_in_ledger:

Chary_314: I would want to be able to get a report, which explains why
between 1 Jan 2020 and 1 Jan 2021 Net Worth [including unrealised gains]
has change from 100kUSD to 120kUSD

2020-01-01 open Assets:House
2020-01-01 open Equity:Opening-Balances

2020-01-01 * "Opening balances"
  Assets:House             1 HOUSE 

2020-01-01 price HOUSE 100000 USD

2021-01-01 price HOUSE 120000 USD ;<== one year later

SM: Nice. Actually I struggled to do it with hledger. But Ledger can do it easily; by default it generates revaluation transactions showing unrealised gains:

Show the changes from inflows/outflows and from price fluctuations:

$ ledger reg house -V
20-Jan-01 "Opening balances"    Assets:House      USD100000    USD100000
21-Jan-01 Commodities revalued  <Revalued>         USD20000    USD120000

Show just the changes from price fluctuations:

$ ledger reg house -V --revalued-only
21-Jan-01 Commodities revalued  <Revalued>         USD20000    USD120000

There's also a --revalued-total option which I didn't figure out, needs docs.

SM: With current hledger, this is the best I found.
I had to add an explicit @@ COST to the house purchase, since the bal --gain report requires it.
(You could automate that with hledger print --infer-market-prices | hledger -f- -I ...)

Show the changes from inflows/outflows (valued at the end of each period):
You could increase the frequency to daily if needed.

   $ hledger bal -QNV --transpose house date:2020..2021/2
   Balance changes in 2020-01-01..2021-03-31, valued at period ends:

           || Assets:House 
    2020Q1 ||   100000 USD 
    2020Q2 ||            0 
    2020Q3 ||            0 
    2020Q4 ||            0 
    2021Q1 ||            0 

Show the changes from price fluctuations:

   $ hledger bal -QNV --transpose house date:2020..2021/2 --gain
   Incremental gain in 2020-01-01..2021-03-31, valued at period ends:

           || Assets:House 
    2020Q1 ||            0 
    2020Q2 ||            0 
    2020Q3 ||            0 
    2020Q4 ||            0 
    2021Q1 ||    20000 USD

Please talk me through how you found the --revalued-only.

I find there are many gems like these in ledger which don't have docs, bu could be very helpful

I searched the output of ledger --help for "revalu", which I vaguely remembered.

In general, you need to search both this and the Ledger info manual (eg the HTML version on the website); some things are mentioned in one but not the other.

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