Define category up front

Hey y'all :raising_hand_man:

Here's some example transactions from the ledger manual:

2011/03/15   Trader Joe's
    Expenses:Groceries   $100.00
2011/03/15   Whole Food Market
    Expenses:Groceries   $75.00

Is there a way to define Checking as an Asset once up front so that I don't have to write Assets:Checking out each time?

So for example, something like this:

define Assets:Checking
define Expenses:Groceries

2011/03/15   Trader Joe's
    Groceries   $100.00
2011/03/15   Whole Food Market
    Groceries   $75.00

Thanks for any suggestions!

PS: I've also posted this question here:

Gumnos provided an excellent answer here on reddit:


Thank you gumnos!

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For the record, Ledger also has the bucket directive which means you wouldn't have to write the checking posting at all, though I'm not particularly recommending that.